Class Title: Molly – A Drawn Thread Yoke Dress
Area of Study: Embroidery
Class Hours: 6
Class Type: Project
Skill Level: All
Thoughts of spring – that is what this dress reminds me of! White pima cotton, colored threads and openwork embroidery sweep in a breath of fresh air enabling you to exercise your imagination. The dress yoke, sleeves and hem are accented with an interesting combination of hemstitching, which becomes the main design element of this class project.
Shadow hemstitching, buttonhole lattice stitch and hemstitching a hem or tuck will be taught. To prepare for stitching, you will learn how to straighten fabric and withdraw fabric threads. I will emphasize how to bundle the remaining threads into groups with decorative stitching. I will discuss how the overall look changes and how to create your own unique design when you add or delete additional stitching rows. Garment construction will be reviewed for understanding but completed outside of class.
Complete Kit Contents: 3 yds. Pima batiste for dress, 1/2 yd. Pima batiste for piping, German Interfacing, 1 spool of 60 wt. Metler thread, 1 spool of DMC 50 wt. embroidery thread, #10 sharp needles, #26 tapestry needles, Mother of Pearl buttons, cording (for piping), dress pattern, class handout
Additional Sewing Supplies: (class)
18″ clear ruler, sewing gauge, used sewing machine needles, tweezers (optional), small embroidery scissors with a small sharp curved point or curved point cuticle scissors, 4″ or 5″ Susan Bates embroidery hoop, additional lighting recommended, magnification (required)
Additional Sewing Supplies: (home only, not used in class)
Sewing machine (type): basic zig-zag, Sewing machine accessories including: 1/4″ foot (optional), piping foot (optional), empty bobbin, #60 or #65 universal machine needle
Pre-class Preparation:
Notify instructor if you prefer to make a dress any size other then 12 mos., 18mos. or 24 mos.