Class Title: Feather Stitch And Friends Notebook Class
Area of Study: Embroidery
Class Hours: 6
Class Type: Notebook
Skill Level: All
Have you been frightened to pick a project that contains any feather stitching? Do you have trouble mastering any related stitches? If you answered yes to either of these questions, this class was designed for you..
Detailed handouts including step-by-step pictures and instructions will help ease your mind as you master this stitch family. Tricks and extra details I have discovered will be sprinkled in during class stitching time.
Stitches covered in this informative class include: feather stitch (single, double and triple), lazy daisy stitch, fly stitch, open Cretan stitch, chained feather stitch and Spanish knotted feather stitch.
Complete Kit Contents: practice fabric; stranded embroidery floss; floche; needles; class handout;
Additional Sewing Supplies: (to use in class)
embroidery scissors; Susan Bates 4″, 5″ or 3″ x 6″ embroidery hoop; 6″ ruler; fine line marking pen or pencil; pen or pencil for taking notes; light (required); extension cord; magnification (recommended);
No Additional Classroom Supplies: