Class Title: Alice’s T-Bonnet
Area of Study: Embroidery
Class Hours: 9
Class Type: Project
Skill Level: All
Take a square of fine linen, add some threads, lace, lining and ribbon, stir in some of my favorite embroidery stitches and see what a great little confection you can create! This lovely easy to stitch t-bonnet is just as sweet as baby!
Class will start by learning a few quick tips for removing fabric threads providing you a canvas for creating hemstitched bars and some interesting stitch combinations. You will put those tips to work immediately preparing your linen for a fun day ahead.
Next, it is time to master hemstitched bars, shadow hemstitching and feather stitching – the main components that transform your linen into a mini work of art. You can start in immediately stitching on your bonnet fabric or use practice fabric already prepared for you.
The remainder of class will be spent: creating the ribbon rosettes needed to attach your bonnet ties and watching demos showing you how to attach entredeux to fabric and attaching gathered lace to entredeux. Any remaining time will be spent stitching on your project. Final bonnet construction will be completed at home.
Complete Kit Contents: linen; organdy; practice linen; entredeux; lace edging; DMC 50 wt. thread; tatting thread; floche; needles; ribbons; class handout; T-bonnet pattern;
Additional Sewing Supplies: (class) small embroidery scissors with curved blade; fabric scissors; 6″ clear gridded ruler (I like a flexible one); fine line washout marker; glass head pins; used universal machine needle; light (required); extension cord; magnification (highly recommended); 3″x6″Susan Bates oval hoop;
Additional Sewing Supplies: (home only, not used in class) Sewing machine (type): basic zig-zag, Sewing machine accessories including: 1/4″ foot (optional); #60 or #65 universal machine needle;
No Pre-class Preparation