Class Title: Charlotte Rose: A Drawn Thread Bonnet
Area of Study: Embroidery Class Hours: 6 Class Type: Project Skill Level: All
Unforgettable! Baby, that's what you are! That's what everyone will say when your baby
is wearing Charlotte Rose - a delicate drawn thread bonnet. This bonnet features ladder
hemstitching on a grid and simple embroidery techniques. The artisan stitches taught and
executed in this bonnet are: basic hemstitching, outline stitch, lazy daisy stitch, french knots
and a glorious field of bullion roses. Stitches will first be mastered on a practice cloth.
When you are comfortable with your stitching we will graduate to Ulster linen to create
this splendid treasure. Your special baby will be unforgettable when donning this custom made bonnet.
Additional Sewing Supplies (to use in class or finish the project at home)
6" clear ruler or sewing gauge, used sewing machine needles, tweezers (optional for pulling threads),
small embroidery scissors with a small sharp curved point or curved point cuticle scissors,
additional lighting recommended, magnification (required)
Home only (not used in class)
Sewing machine (type): basic zig-zag
Sewing machine accessories: Empty bobbin, #60 or #65 universal machine needle, 1/4" foot (optional)